VANAY, LAURENCE - Les Soleile De La Vie
"The tracks on the album reflect my feelings at the time, a great happiness to live an interesting life (although stressful!) with the key, a happy story of love" - Jacqueline Thibault. "Following the international release of ‚ÄúEvening Colours‚Äù in 1976, Jacqueline Thibault (Laurence Vanay) continued to compose songs that she recorded on her multi-track Revox. But she had little time for her own music, working day and night at legendary international recording studio, the Ch_¢teau d‚ÄôH_©rouville. Still, Jacqueline managed to bring together the compositions for ‚ÄúLes Soleils de la Vie‚Äù (The Suns of Life), with the help of her perpetual musical accomplices‚ÄîSerge Derrien (guitar, flute, wordless vocals) and John Chevalier, aka Popov (drums and percussion). There was also the timely intervention of other friends, Michel Santangelli (drums), Jean Claude Guzelli (bass) and Francis Moze. Decca Records was interested in producing the album back in 1977, but asked for a remix of the music. Only several years later was that finally possible‚Äîtoo late for Decca. The recordings therefore found themselves asleep on Parisian shelves, pending potential better days. Shimmering, mysterious, sometimes funky, deeply emotional examples of musical beguilement.‚ĢFirst ever release for this 1977 follow-up to the wonderful ‚ÄúEvening Colours‚Äù LP ‚ĢSix-panel color insert with rare photos and Jacquelines remarkable story ‚ĢLimited to 500 copies, housed in a deluxe tip-on jacket."- Lion Productions.