all labels
- .Absolute. [Koblenz]
- 100 Songs I Sing
- 100$ Band/Spit
- 100Copies
- 10th Avenue Freeze Out
- 12XU
- 13Th
- 16 Bitch Pile-Up
- 17853
- 1972
- 2.13.61
- 20 City
- 20/20/20
- 200lb Underground
- 2062
- 23 Five
- 23 Productions
- 267 Lattajjaa
- 30M
- 3Lobed
- 4 Men With Beards
- 4MG
- 50 Miles of Elbow Room
- 540
- 5MA
- 5RC
- 75
- 75 Dollar Bill
- 80/81
- 8mm
- 90% Wasser
- 99Chants
- ? Records/Hundertmark
- A Binary Datum
- A Bruit Secret
- A Colourful Storm
- A Dear Girl Called Wendy
- A Folder
- A Guide To Saints
- A Room Forever
- A Silent Place
- A Stable Sound
- A Sunken Mall
- A&M
- A-Musik
- A-Ton
- A.I.P.R.
- A4
- AA
- Aareton
- Abandon Ship
- Abaton Book Company
- Abduction
- Ablaze!
- Abstrakce
- Absurd
- Ace Of Discs
- Ache
- Acid Mothers Temple
- Acid Nightmare
- Acid Symposium
- Acme
- Acme Gramaphone
- Acme Gramophone/Lion Productions
- Act
- Action Index
- Actual
- Acuarela
- Acute
- AD 93
- Ad Hoc
- Adolescent
- Adult Contemporary
- Advaita
- Adverse Effect
- Aesthetical
- Afeite Al Perro
- After Hours
- Afterburn
- Afterlife
- Agape
- Agaric
- Agitated
- Agua Prieta
- Aguirre
- Ahmed, Ilyas
- Airport War
- Ajna
- Akuphone
- Alara
- Alberts Basement
- Alchemy
- Alcohol
- Alcoholic Narcolepsy
- Alga Marghen
- Alien Passengers
- Alien Transistor
- All Bone
- All Gone
- All Hands Electric
- All Inn
- Allchival
- Alluvial
- Almost Ready
- Alt.Vinyl
- Alter
- Alterity 101
- Alternative Fox
- Amanita
- Amarillo
- Amber Soundroom
- Ambiguous
- Ame Son
- Amen Absen
- Amen Dunes
- American Clave
- American Tapes
- American Tapes/Weird Shadow
- Amethyst Sunset
- Amgen
- Amish
- Ammit
- Ammolraga Tapes
- Amok Age
- Amphetamine Sulphate
- An'archives
- Anarchymoon
- Anazitisi
- Angeldust
- Angry Love
- Anika
- Animal Disguise
- Anja Offensive
- Annihaya
- Anoema
- Anomalous
- Anomia
- Anonymous Dog
- Anopheles
- Another Dark Age
- Another Subculture
- Antarctica Starts Here
- Antenne
- Anthem
- Anthology
- Antinote
- Anyway
- Aomori Contemporary Art Centre
- Aozura
- Apartment
- Apartment Elektro
- Apollolaan
- Apop
- Apostasy
- Applied Science
- Arbitrary
- Arbitrary Signs
- Arbor
- Arc Light Editions
- Arcania
- Arcanum
- Archive
- Archive Edition
- Archives Interieures
- Are and Be
- Arjunamusic
- Arkain Filloux
- Armageddon
- Armageddon Nova
- Army Of Bad Luck
- Art Fag
- Art Into Life
- Art School Dropout
- Art Yard
- Arthur
- Artifacts
- Artifix
- Artoffact
- Artpop!!
- Artyphon
- Ascension
- Ascetic House
- Ash International
- Ashiya City Museum of Art & History/Aichi Arts & Culture Center
- Assophon
- Asterisk
- Astral Industries
- Astral Social Club
- At Last Books
- At War With False Noise
- Ata Tak
- Atavistic
- Atelier Ciseaux
- Atemporal
- Ato Archives
- Atoll
- Atonal Industries
- Audika
- Audio Research Editions
- Audio Shock
- Audiobot
- Audiolaceration
- Audiomer
- Aum Fidelity
- Aural Secretions
- Aurora Borealis
- Aurora Rising
- Austin
- Autunes
- Avant
- Avanto
- Awesome Tapes From Africa
- Awesome Vistas
- Axis Mundi
- Azriel
- Aztec Music
- Azul Discografica
- Azure Vista
- B-Music
- B.A.A.D.M.
- B.F.E.
- B.Free
- B.U.F.M.S.
- B13
- Ba Da Bing!
- Ba Da Bing! / Lewis + Lynn
- Baba Tonnerre
- Baby Huey
- Backwards
- Bad Glue
- Badmaster
- Bahn Mi Verlag
- Balloon & Needle
- Balmat
- Bam Balam
- Bamboo
- Ban
- Bandaged Hand Produce
- Bang!
- Banned Production
- Barn Re-leasing
- Baroque Sunburst
- Barreuh
- Basin Rock
- Bassiani
- Bathetic
- Batov
- Batrachian
- Bazillion Points
- Be With
- Beacon Sound
- Beast 666 Tapes
- Beat Generation
- Beats In Space
- Because Music
- Bedouin
- Bedroom Suck
- Beep
- Bella Casa
- Belle Antique
- Bellyup
- Beniffer Editions
- Berceuse Heroique
- Bereket
- Bergpolder
- Berlin Atonal
- Berlinische Galerie/ Edel
- Best Brehodi
- Beta-Lactam Ring
- Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers
- Bette
- Beyond Omega
- Bichon
- Billbrook
- Billingsgate Media
- Bimbo Tower
- Binary Datum
- Bird
- Birdman
- Birthbiter
- Bishop
- Bison
- Bisou
- Bixobal
- Bla-Bla-Bla
- Black Dirt
- Black Editions
- Black Horizons
- Black Light
- Black Moss
- Black Owl
- Black Petal
- Black Pollen Press
- Black Rose Recordings
- Black Saint
- Black Sweat
- Black To Comm
- Black Truffle
- Black Velvet Fuckere
- Blackbean & Placenta
- Blackburn
- Blackest Ever Black
- Blackest Rainbow
- Blackjack
- Blank
- Blank Editions
- Blank Forms
- Blast First Petite
- Blastocoel Sound
- Blind Dates Music
- Blind Prophet
- Bliss
- Bloc Thyristors/Bimbo Tower
- Blocglobal
- Blodvite
- Bloodlust!
- Bloody Butterfly
- Bloomsbury
- Blossoming Noise
- Blue Chopsticks
- Blue Navigator
- Blue Sanct
- Blue Tapes and X-Ray
- Blueberry
- Blueberry Honey
- Blues Control
- Blume
- Bo Weavil
- Bobby J
- Bobo Integral
- Bocian
- Body Double
- Boid
- Boing Being
- Bona Fide
- Bonfire
- Boo-Hooray
- Book Beat
- Boomkat Editions
- Borft
- Borft/UFO Mungo
- Borft/UFO Mungo/Idea
- Born Bad
- Bottrop-Boy
- Bowindo
- Box Editions
- Boy Wonder
- Brah
- Brain Transplant
- Brainplan
- Branco Label
- Brave Mysteries
- Bravecloud
- Bread & Wine
- Breaking World
- Bridget Hayden
- Bright Size
- Brilliant Colors
- Brinkman
- Broad Tapes
- Broken
- Broken Face
- Broken Music
- Brokenresearch
- Brown Sounds
- Bruit Direct
- Bruit Direct Disques
- Brunette Editions
- Brutalism
- Buh
- Bull Tongue Review
- Bulls Hit
- Bumbo
- Bumtapes
- Bunkerpop
- Bureau B
- Burger
- Buried Treasure
- Buried Valley
- Burka For Everybody
- BVHaast
- Byrd Out
- C.I.P.
- C/Psi/P
- C/Site
- Cache Cache
- Cacophonic
- Cadiz Music
- Caedmon'S Return
- Calar Music
- Calico Corp
- Calico Grounds
- Cameleon
- Camisole
- Campbell, Neil
- Canti Magnetici
- Cantor
- Captain Trip
- Captcha
- Captured Tracks
- Captured Tracks/Dark Entries
- Carbon
- Carburetor
- Cardinal
- Care In The Community
- Care Of Editions
- Careful Catalog
- Carlos Cipa
- Carnivals
- Cass
- Cassauna
- Cast Exotic
- Castel Sotterra
- Castle Face
- Catsup Plate
- Cauliflower Dreams
- CCMC/Music Gallery Editions
- CD
- Cede
- Celestial
- Cellule 75
- Cenotaph
- Center For Book Arts
- Centering
- Chainsaw
- Chance
- Change
- Chapter Music
- Cherried-Out Merch
- Cherry Burger
- Cherry Red
- Child Of Microtones
- Chironex
- Chocolate Monk
- Chodpa Media
- Chondritic Sound
- Choose
- Chrome Peeler
- Chronos & Vermillion
- Chute
- Ciclope
- Cien Fuegos
- Cinedelic
- Cinedelic/Soave
- Cinevox
- Circuit
- Circus Company
- Cititrax
- Clarinette
- Classic English Womb
- Classical Music On Vinyl
- Claudia
- Cle Magazine
- Cleopatra
- Clogsontronics
- Close Up
- Close/Far Recordings
- Coastline
- Cochon
- Cold Light
- Cold Milk
- Cold Spring
- Cold Vomit
- Colophon
- Color Tapes
- Colorful World
- Colour Sounds
- Columbia
- Columbia University Press
- Columbus Discount
- COM Relics
- Comatonse
- Cometa Edizioni
- Comfortzone
- Commmons
- Common Notions
- Communion
- Community Library
- Companion
- Compost
- Compound Annex
- Conan
- Concentric
- Concentric Circles
- Concrète Tapes
- Conduit Creations
- Confront
- Confront Recordings
- Conjunto Vacio
- Conspiracy
- Conspiracy International
- Constellation Tatsu
- Contact
- Continuity...
- Convulsive
- Copeland, Eric
- Coq Au Vinyl
- Cor Ardens
- Corbett Vs. Dempsey
- Cord-Art
- Cordelia
- Corleone
- Corpus Hermeticum
- Cortical Foundation
- Cortizona
- Corwood Industries
- Cosmic Jazz
- Cosmic Myth
- Cosmic Rock
- Cosmic Volume
- Cosmic Winnetou
- Cosmo Rhythmatic
- Cosmo Rythmatic
- Cougouyou Music
- Counter Culture Chronicles
- Crammed Discs
- Cramps
- Crank Automotive
- Crawlspace
- Crawlspace Artist Series
- Crazy Iris
- Creel Pone
- Criminal
- Criminal IQ
- Crippled Intellect
- Crisis of Taste
- Critical Heights
- Cross Fade Enter Tainment
- Crucial Blast
- Cry Baby
- Cryptic Corporation
- Crystal Hotel
- Cugate Classics
- Cuneiform
- Curor
- Cut
- Cut Hands
- Cuthands
- Cyalume & Argonzer
- Cylindrical Habitat Modules
- D.Q.
- Daba
- Dagored
- Dais
- Daksina
- Damaged Restrooms
- Dancing Wayang
- Danfotronics
- Danger
- Dangerous Age
- Dark Companion
- Dark Entries
- Dark Tree
- Dark Vinyl
- Das Gemeine
- Dawn Ride
- De La Catessen
- De Maria, Walter
- De Stijl
- Dead Bison
- Dead Flower
- Dead Mind
- Dead-Cert
- Death Vault
- Deathbomb Arc
- DeathGuard
- Deep Listening
- Dekmantel
- Dekorder
- Del Val
- Del Val Records
- Delayed
- Delphes
- Demdike Stare
- Desastre
- Desire
- Desire Path
- Destijl
- Destructive Industries
- Destur
- Deviation Music
- Dexter'S Cigar
- Dexters Cigar
- DF
- Diagonal
- Dialogo
- DiCristina
- Die Kosmischen Kuriere
- Die Orakel
- Die Schachtel
- Die Stadt
- Die Stasi
- Die Taubnessel
- Difficult Fun
- Digestive Systems
- Digital Regress
- Digitalis
- Diplodisc
- Direct Hit
- Dirter Promotions
- Dirty Knobby
- Disasters By Choice
- Dischi Fantom
- Discmedi
- Discmedi Blau
- Discomanos
- Discombobulate
- Discos Nada
- Discos Transgenero
- Discourage
- Discreet Music
- Discrepant
- Disembraining
- Diskant
- Diskono
- Dismembering
- DisPeru
- Disposable Music
- Disposable Thumb
- Disques Dreyfus
- Disques VDE Gallo
- Distance
- Distraction
- Distributed Art Publishers
- Divided
- Divine Frequency
- Divorce
- Djuring/Borft
- DM Publication
- Dog Daze
- Dog W/A Bone
- Dogfood Production System
- Dogma Chase
- Doin It Right
- Dom America
- Domestica
- Donkey Disk
- Dont Trust The Ruin
- Doodles
- Dorothea Riga Verlag
- Dosh
- Dot Dash Sounds
- Dot Dot Dot
- Dot Line Circle
- DotDotDot
- Double LP
- Double Naught
- Doubtfulsounds
- Dove Cove
- Down + Out
- Doxy
- Drag City
- Drag Racing Underground
- Drama
- Drawing Room
- Dreamsheep
- Dreamtime Taped Sounds
- Drid Machine
- Drone
- Drone Disco
- Drone Syndicate
- Drone Uk
- Dronedisco
- Drunken Fish
- Dry Leaf Discs
- Dual Planet
- Dual Plover
- Dub Pitch Picnic
- Duclin
- Dug Out
- Dulc-i-Tone
- Dull Knife
- Dungeon Taxis
- Durable Stimuli
- Durtro/Jnana
- Durutti
- Dust Editions
- Dust-To-Digital
- Dutch Beer
- Dying Earth
- Dying Nun
- Dynamite Hemorrhage
- E-klageto
- Eabla
- Eargong
- Earjerk
- Early Future/Finders Keepers
- Earshots Recordings
- Easter Bilby
- Easy Listening
- Eat, Sleep, Repeat
- Echoes From The Earth
- Eclipse
- Econogold
- Ecrits Des Forges
- Ecstatic
- Ecstatic Peace
- Ecstatic Yod
- Ediciones Fontenebro
- Edition
- Edition Bierammer
- Edition Block
- Edition Erich Schmid
- Edition Hansjorg Mayer
- Edition Krothenhayn
- Edition Kymata
- Edition Omega Point
- Edition RZ
- Edition Telemark
- Editions Basilic
- Editions Basilic/Luna Bisonte Prods
- Editions Gravats
- Editions Mego
- Editions Swellito
- Editions Zero
- Editionsbrokenresearch
- EE Tapes
- Efficient Space
- EG
- Ehse
- Eider Press
- Ekster
- El Palmas Music
- Elations Recordings
- Electric Annihilation
- Electric Temple
- Electric Transfusion
- Electro Harmonix
- Eleet Tapes
- Elefantplatte
- Elevation
- Elevator Bath
- Elfin Publications
- Elica
- Elision Fields
- EM
- EM 13n
- EM/Meditations
- Emanem
- Emerald Cocoon
- Emeralds
- Emotional Response
- Emperor Jones
- Empty Cellar
- Empty Editions
- En/Of
- Enabling Works
- Enchante
- End of An Ear
- Endless Happiness
- Enfant Terrible
- Enraptured
- Enterruption
- Entracte
- Environmental Studies
- Epic Sweep
- Epicene
- Equation
- Erased Tapes
- Erebus
- Eremite
- Ergot
- Ergot/Catch Wave Ltd.
- Eric
- Eric Copeland
- Erinyes
- Errant Bodies
- Erstwhile
- Escho
- Eskimo
- Eskimo/G.A. Propaganda
- ESL Books
- Esoteric
- Esoteric Recordings
- ESP-Disk
- Espacial Discos
- Esquilo
- Etats-Unis
- Etcetera
- Ethbo Music
- Ether
- Etude
- Eventuell
- Ever/Never
- Everland Jazz
- Evolving Ear
- Excepter
- Exiled
- Expansive
- Experimedia
- Experimental I/Mechanical I
- Extravertigo/Xeroid
- F&F Production
- F.D.A.F.I.T.S.
- Fabrica
- Fabrique
- Faceneck
- Fadensonnen
- Fag Tapes
- Faithways International
- Faitiche
- Fallout
- Family Vineyard
- Fan Death
- Fanatiks
- Fang Bomb
- Fantome Phonographique
- Far East Sunshine
- Far Out Recordings
- Faraway Press
- Fargone
- Faro
- Fashionable Idiots
- Fat Cat
- Fata Morgana Recordings
- Father Yod
- Favela Discos
- Feast
- Feedback
- Feeding Tube
- Feeding Tube/Cardinal Fuzz
- Fencing Flatworm
- Field
- Fifth Dimension
- Film
- Finders Keepers
- Fire Breathing Turtle
- Fire Museum
- Fire-Breathing Turtle
- Firework Editions
- Firstperson
- Fish Pies
- Fisheye
- Fishrider
- Five Four-O
- Five Minute Association
- Fixed Identity
- Flannelgraph
- Flashback
- Flat
- Flea
- Fledgling
- Flee
- fleece
- Flenix
- Flipped Out
- Floorbored
- Florabelle
- Floridas Dying
- Flower Corsano Duo
- Flowerhouse
- Fluxus
- Fly Music
- Flying Nun
- Flying Nun & Captured Tracks
- Fodderbasis
- Fogged
- Folding
- Folkways
- Fonal
- Fondazione Edmund Mach
- Fony
- Fool
- Foom
- For Four Ears
- Forager
- Forced Exposure
- Forced Nostalgia
- Foreign Frequency
- Forlag For Fri Musik
- Formacentric Disk
- Fourth Dimension
- Fractal
- Fragile
- Fragment Factory
- Freak Animal
- Freakbeat/Delerium
- Frederiksberg
- Free Form Freakout
- Free103Point9
- Freedom From
- Freedom In A Vacuum
- Freedom To Spend
- Freek
- Freenoise
- Freenoise Productions
- Freewaysound
- Fresh Hold
- Freudwerk
- Friends and Family
- Fringes
- Frodis
- From The Nursery
- From The Same Mother
- Front & Follow
- Frozen Reeds
- Ftarri
- Fuck It Tapes
- Fucked Up And Naked
- Fun Music
- Functional Organisation
- Fursaxa
- Further
- fusetron
- Futura
- Future Audio Graphics
- Future Days
- Future Noise Music
- Future Sound Index
- Fuyusoubi Music Publishing
- Fuzainoisu
- FV Zalozba
- Fylkingen
- Féeri Music
- Fördämning Arkiv
- Gabi Losoncy
- Gagarin
- Gala Drop
- Galactic Tape Archive
- Galactic Zoo Disk/Drag City
- Galerie Gisela Capitain
- Galerie Pache
- Gameboy
- Garden Of Delights
- Gargoyle
- Gates of Dawn
- GB
- GD Stereo
- Ge-Stell
- Genetic
- Geometrik
- Gertrude Tapes
- Get Back
- Giardia
- Gilgongo
- Giorno Poetry Systems
- Gipsy Sphinx
- Gizeh
- Gladtree Press
- Glass Coffin
- Glass Modern
- Glass Orchestra
- Glass Redux
- Glass, House
- Glistening Examples
- Glitterbeat
- Global Recording Artists
- Glospot
- Glossy Mistakes
- Gnarled Forest
- Gneiss Things
- Gnome Life
- Gnomelife
- Gnomonsong
- GNP/Crescendo
- Go Johnny Go
- Goaty Tapes
- God
- God In The Music
- God Made Dirt
- God Unknown
- God?
- Gods of Tundra
- Going Underground
- Gold Soundz
- Golden Lab
- Goldust
- Gomerdome
- Goner
- Gonzai
- Good Road
- Goodall Tapes
- Goodfellas
- Goodfellas Edizioni
- Got Kinda Lost
- Gotta Groove
- Grama
- Grandangolo
- Grapefruit
- Great Pop Supplement
- Greatdividing
- Green Records & Tapes
- Grey Matter
- GRiM
- Gringo
- Grob
- Gronland
- Groovenet/Treblephone
- Group Tightener
- Growing Bin
- Guerssen
- Gulcher
- Gunn, Steve
- Gusstaff
- Gyttja
- Haamumaa
- Haang Niap
- Hachimitsu
- Hairy Spider Legs
- Hakanairo
- Hakuna Kulala
- Halatern, Etc.
- Half Machine
- Hallow Ground
- Hamster
- Hand/Eye
- Handmade Birds
- Hank the Herald Angel Recordings
- Hans Pokora
- Hanson
- Happiest Place
- Happy Lux Pop
- Happy Prince
- Happy Zloty
- Harbinger Sound
- Harbinger Sound/Penultimate Press
- Hard To Beat
- Harmony House/De Stijl
- Harper Collins
- Harte Recordings
- Harutaka Mochizuki
- Harvest
- Hasenbart
- Hassara
- Hasten & Korset
- Haswellediger & Co. Gallery
- Hate Song
- Hatology
- Haunter
- Head Voice
- Headlights
- Headspin
- Heart Break Beat
- Heart of Glue
- Heartworm
- Heat Retention
- Heavy Blossom
- Heavy Conversation
- Heavy Machinery
- Heavy Other
- Heavy Psych Sounds
- Heavy Space
- Heavy Tapes
- Heavy Tapes/Chondritic Sound
- Heel Stone
- Helen Scarsdale Agency
- Helicopter
- Heliocentric Worlds Of Sound
- Hell's Half Halo
- Hell, Yes!
- Hello Good-bye Studio
- Hello Sunshine
- Hello Sunshine/Woodsist
- Hells Half Halo
- Hells Half Halo/Chocolate Monk
- Hemisferio
- Henning Christiansen Archive
- Here/On
- Heresee
- Hermit Hut
- Hermitage
- Herndon Gallery
- Het Apollohuis
- Het Generiek
- Hex Grammofoonplaten
- Hi Hat
- Hidden
- Hidden Harmony
- Hidden Vision
- Hierodule Editions
- High Tension House
- Hippie Overdose
- Hippos In Tanks
- Hiruko
- History Always Favours the Winners
- History Buff
- Hive Mind
- Hoga Nord
- Hogs On Ice
- Holiday
- Holidays
- Holy Mountain
- Holy Room
- Home Blitz
- Homeless
- Honest Jon's
- Honey Pie
- Hood Faire
- Hooke + Line
- Hopscotch
- Horen
- Horizontal Action
- Horn Of Plenty
- Horny
- Hospital Hill
- Hospital Productions
- Hospital Records
- Hot Air
- Hot Cars Warp
- Hot Cars Warp/Flowerhouse
- Hot Casa
- Hot Releases
- House Of Alchemy
- House Rules
- House Rules/Goaty Tapes
- Hozac
- HP Cycle
- Hubro
- Hueso
- Human Ear
- Human Ear Music
- Human Wreckords
- Humbug
- Hummingbird Productions
- Hundebiss
- Hung Like A Horse?
- Hungry Yurt Books
- Hurray
- Huutomerkki
- Hux
- Hydra Head
- Hyena
- Hyotan
- Hyped 2 Death
- Hyped To Death
- Hyperdub
- Hypnagogia
- I Am Elegant
- I Dischi Del Barone
- I Dischi Di Angelica
- I Dont Feel A Thing
- I Shall Sing Until My Land Is Free
- Ice Factory
- Ici D'ailleurs
- Ici DAilleurs
- Icon
- Icr Recordings
- Ictus
- Idea
- Ideal
- Ideal Recordings
- Ideologic Organ
- Ignivomous
- Ignuitas
- Ikef
- Ikuisuus
- Ikuisuus / Lal Lal Lal
- Imminent Frequencies
- Immune
- Impermanence
- Important
- Impostor Complex
- Improvised Music From Japan
- Impulse
- Impulsy Stetoskopu
- Imvated
- In A Circle
- In And Out
- In and Out Records
- In The Red
- Inch
- Incubator
- Incunabulum
- Incus
- Independent Woman
- Industrial
- Infinite Greyscale
- Inflammable Material
- Ingram Publisher Services
- Ini Itu
- Injazero
- Inner Landscapes
- Innova
- Insample
- Insane Muzak
- Insight
- Insolito
- Institut for Dansk Lydarkaeologi
- Integrated Circuit
- Intelligent Instruments
- Intense City
- Intercoastal Artists
- Intervallo
- Into The Lunar Night
- Intone
- Intransitive
- Inu Wan Wan
- Inundow
- Inventory Press
- Invisible Hands Music
- Invitation
- Ira Cohen
- Irrational Arts
- Irritable Hedgehog/Penultimate
- Iskra
- Island
- Isolated Now Waves
- Italic
- Its Psychedelic Baby!
- J_ɬ§rtecknet
- Jackpot
- Jagjaguwar
- James Krivchenia (Self-Released)
- Jane
- Japan Overseas
- Japanoise
- Jartecknet
- Jazzline
- Jazzline/Pö
- Jazzman
- Jeanne Dielman
- Jeree
- Jerkwave
- Jeth-Row
- Jiaolong
- Jinxed!
- Jliat
- Jnana
- Johanna
- Jones, Joe
- Joteskii Groteskii
- Jow Jow
- JRP Editions
- Junior Aspirin
- Juno Films
- Jupiterian
- Just Dreams
- Just For The Hell Of It
- K
- K48
- Kairos
- Kallista
- Kapellmeister Grammofon
- Karaoke Kalk
- Karlrecords
- Karma
- Karma Music
- Kebrutney
- Kelippah
- Kemal
- Kendra Steiner Editions
- Keplar
- Kernkrach
- Kernkrach/Hertz
- Keroxen
- Kevin Drumm
- Kevyt Nostalgia
- Keyhole
- Kicks
- Kikusui
- Kill Rock Stars
- Kill Shaman
- Killed By Synth
- Killer
- Killertree
- Kilt By Death
- Kismet
- Kitty Play
- Kjertl Del Brondo Group
- Klanggalerie
- Klimt
- Klondike
- Knekelhuis
- Kning Disk
- Knotwilg
- Kodanuki Press
- Koko Music
- Kompakt
- Koo Editions
- Korm Plastics
- KOS Recordings
- Kosmische Kuriere
- Kraak
- Kranky
- Kray
- Krayon
- Krim Kram
- Kryptox
- KS
- Kuntsvereim Giannozzo Berlin
- Kuupuu
- Kvist
- Kye
- Körper/Leib
- L'Invitation Musicale
- L.I.E.S.
- La Castanya
- La Huit Productions
- La Scie Doree
- La Societe Expeditionnaire
- La Station Radar
- La Vida Es Un Mus
- Laboratorio Palestro
- Labyrinth
- Ladomat
- Lal Lal Lal
- Language Recordings
- Lanimaux Tryst Field Recordings
- Lanquidity
- Lantern Heights
- Lantern Rec.
- Lapsus
- Larching Books
- Larrkin
- Laser Media
- Last Laugh
- Last Visible Dog
- Last Years Youth
- Latency Recordings
- Latitudes
- Laura Lies In
- Lawrence Wilmington
- Lay-Out
- Lazy Squid
- Le Petit Mignon
- Le Souffleur
- Le Tres Jazz Club
- Leaf Leaf
- Left Ear
- Leiterwagen
- Les Albums Claus
- Les Disques Blasphematoires Du Palatin
- Les Disques Bongo Joe
- Les Disques Steak
- Les Giants
- Les Mondes Mental
- Les Presses Du Reel
- Les Rallizes Denudes
- lEsprit de lEscalier
- Lessons About History
- Lethal Prayer
- Lexicon Devil
- Licking River
- Life And Living
- Life Goes On
- Life Like
- Light In The Attic
- Light-Years
- Lightning
- Lilith
- Limited Appeal
- Line
- Lion Productions
- Liquid Death/Hello Pussy
- Little Axe
- Little Big Chief
- Little Butterfly
- Little Enjoyer
- Little Skull
- LL Edizioni
- Load
- Loch Ness
- Loci
- Locus +/Charrm
- Locus Solus
- Locust
- Logan Hammer
- Logan Hardware
- Loie De Cravan
- Loki
- Lolina
- London
- London Musician's Collective
- Lonely Whistle Music
- Loneos Editions
- Long Fun
- Long Hair
- Look Plastic/Noisyland
- Los Lichis
- Lost Century
- Lost Treasures Of The Underworld
- Lotus Sound
- Louder Than War
- Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
- Love
- Love All Day
- Lovely Music
- Lovepump United
- Low Company
- Lucky Peach
- Lugar Alto
- Lullabies For Insomniacs
- Luna Park
- Lussu & Magnetti
- Luxury Products
- Lysergia
- Lysergic Sound Distributors
- Lystring
- M
- M Record
- M=Minimal
- Maas Media Verlag
- Macro Recordings
- Mad Monk
- Made In Germany
- Madlib Invazion
- Magazine
- Maggot Brain
- Magic Box
- Magnetic South
- Magnificent Expansion
- Maim & Disfigure
- Maim and Disfigure
- Mais Um
- Maitreya Apache Music
- Majikick
- Majora
- Make A Mess
- Making Waves
- Malka Tuti
- Mallard Lake
- Mamitori Ulithi Empress Yonaguni San
- Mammas Mysteriska Jukebox
- Mammoth Cave
- Man Hand
- Mana
- Managing Expectations
- Mangrove
- Manhand
- Manhand/Lost Treasures of the Underworld
- Manhood
- Manisha
- Mannequin
- Mantile
- Mantra
- Manufactured
- Manufactured Recordings
- Many Breaths Press
- Mapache
- Marionette
- Mark
- Marmo
- Marmo Music
- Marquis
- Marriage
- Marshy Power
- Martin Hossbach
- Mask
- Mass Dist
- Mass Productions
- Matching Head
- Matchless
- Matchless Recordings
- Matsuli Music
- Mauerstadtmusik
- Mayo Factory
- Mazagran
- Mctelevi
- Mean Disposition
- Mectpyo Sound
- Media Dreams
- Medical
- Meditations
- Meds
- Medusa
- Medusa Editions
- Meenna
- Meeuw Muzak
- Megablade
- Megaphone
- Megaphone UK
- Megaphone/Knock 'Em Dead
- Megaphone/Knock Em Dead
- Melektronikk
- Mellotronen
- Melon Expander
- Meme
- Memoir Neuve
- Memoirs Of An Aesthete
- Memorandum
- Menlo Park
- Menstrual Recordings
- Mental Experience
- Mental Groove
- Merlins Nose
- Mesh-Key
- Mesmer
- Messthetics
- Metamatic
- Metaphon
- Metrica
- Mettre A Fond
- Meu Dia De Morte
- Mexican Summer
- MG.Art
- Mg.Art/Spalax
- Miasmah
- Michael Yonkers
- Microcosm Publishing
- Midas
- Middle James Co.
- Midi Inc.
- Midnight Cruiser
- Midori Takada & Lafawndah in Association With !K7
- Mighty Mouth Music
- Mikami Komuten
- Mille Plateaux
- Million Dollar Performances
- Milvia Son
- Mind Control
- Mind/No Mind
- Minds Ear/Imgrat
- Miniera
- Minimal
- Minimal Wave
- Minimum Table Stacks
- Mirae Arts
- Mirror
- Mirumir
- Misanthropic Agenda
- Misc Music
- Missing Link
- Missing Vinyl
- Mississippi
- Mistake By the Lake
- Mittens On Publishing
- MLadys
- Moabit
- Moabit Music
- Mochizuki Harutaka
- Mode
- Modern Classics
- Modern Love
- Modern Masters Music
- Modern Obscure Music
- Modern Silence
- Modo
- Moikai
- Mom Costume
- Monfonus Press
- Moniker
- Monitor Pop Entertainment
- Mono-Tone
- Monofonus Press
- Monorail Trespassing
- Monotype
- Monster Claw
- Monster Melodies
- Moog Recordings Library
- Moolah
- Mooncrest
- Moondog
- Moondogs Corner
- Moone
- Moonflower
- Moongang
- Mops
- Moran Tape Label
- Moran Tapes/Planam
- Morc
- Morning Trip
- Morphine
- Morphius
- Morrow and Company Inc.
- Mother Tongue
- Mound Duel
- Mount Saint Mountain
- Mountain Cult
- Mountain Fold Music Journal
- Mr. Suit
- Mt. St. Mtn.
- Mt.St.Mtn.
- Muckraker
- Muckraker/Giardia
- Multhipia
- Mumbling Eye
- Munster
- Muscut
- Musee D'Ethnographie De Geneve
- Museu D Art Contemporani De Barcelona/Neues Museum Weserburg Bremen
- Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
- Mushroom Hour Half Hour (South Africa)
- Music Atlach
- Music Fellowship
- Music From Memory
- Music from psychedelic wizard
- Music Gallery Editions
- Music Is The Worst
- Music Mundane
- Music on Vinyl
- Music-Perspective
- Musica & Entretenimiento
- Musica Genera
- Musica Per Immagini
- Musically Incorrect
- Musik und Median
- Musikzimmer
- Musique Mondiale
- Musique Pour La Danse
- Muslimgauze Preservation Society
- Must Die
- Mustard
- Mutant
- Mutant Embryo
- Mute
- Mute USA
- Muza
- Mvd Visual
- My Animal Home
- My Minds Eye
- Mycophile
- Mysteries Of The Deep
- Mystery Plane Tapes
- Mystra
- N/A
- Nancy
- Nashazphone
- Nattmaran
- Natural Law
- Nature Tape Limb
- Nauscopy
- Near Mint
- Near Tapes
- Negative Guest List
- Neil Campbell
- Nero'S Neptune
- Neros Neptune
- Nervous Jerk
- Nest Recordings
- Neurec
- Neurot
- New Age
- New Alliance
- New Amerika
- New Bulwark
- New Bum Industries
- New Forces
- New Humans
- New Images
- New Records
- New Tone
- New Vague
- New World
- New World Of Sound
- Next Halloween
- Nextbestway
- Nextera
- Nichts
- Nidnod
- Nieves
- Nigh Eve
- Night Dreamer
- Night People
- Night School
- Nightpeople
- Nihilist
- Nihlist
- Nimbus West
- Ninth Circle Music
- NNA Tapes
- No Basement Is Deep Enough
- No Corner
- No Fans
- No Fidelity Audio
- No Fun
- No Holiday
- No Label
- No More
- No Patience
- No Quarter
- No Rent
- No-Fi
- No.
- Nod And Smile
- Noise Asia
- Noiseville
- Nomadic Island
- Noose
- Nordic Sound Art
- Nordung
- North Drive Press
- North Star Productions
- Norton
- Norway Rat
- Nosmoke
- Nostilevo
- Not Not Fun
- Not On Label
- Notes On A Journey
- Nothing, Charlie
- Noton
- Now Again
- Now-Again
- Numero Group
- Nurse Etiquette
- Nuss, Dave
- Nyali
- NYC Artists Collective
- Nyege Nyege Tapes
- O Sirhan, O Sirhan
- O. Gudmundsen Minde
- Oaken Palace
- Object Relations
- Oblio
- Obscure Oxide
- Occulation
- Occult
- Ochre
- Octane Grammophon
- Odd Size
- Off
- Ofnot
- Ogun
- Ohnonoise
- Ohr
- Okraina
- Old 3C
- Old Age/No Age
- Old Age/Sverige Age
- Old Gold
- Old Gold/GD Stereo
- Old Skull/Black Lagoon
- Olde English Spelling Bee
- Ole
- OlFactory/Lost Treasures of the Underworld/Green Tape/Tanzprocesz
- Olympia
- Olyvetty
- Om ha sva ha ksha a la va ra yam
- Oma333
- Omega
- Omega Point
- Omicron
- Omlott
- Omnibus
- Omphalos
- Omplatten
- On-Off
- Onderstroom
- One Hand
- One Instrument
- One Kind Favor
- One Tree
- Only
- Onomato
- Ontological
- Ooh-Sounds
- Oom Dooby Dochas
- Oona Recordings
- Opal Tapes
- Opax
- Open Mouth
- Opprobrium
- Optic Nerve
- Optik Nerve
- Optimo Music
- Or
- Oral
- Orange Doubledome
- Orchid Spangiafora
- Org Music
- Organ Reframed
- Orion Read
- Orion Read/Athena
- Ormolycka
- Ornaments
- Orpheus
- OSR Tapes
- Other Minds
- Other People
- Other Power
- Otic
- oTo
- Otoroku
- Otto Muehl
- Our Mouth
- Our Swimmer
- Out
- Out Of Depression
- Out-Sider
- Outer Battery
- Outer Reaches
- Outernational Sounds
- Outsider
- Over Level
- Overdosing In Republican World
- Overground
- Owl
- Own It
- Ownness
- Oxmose
- OZ
- OZ Days
- Ozono Kids
- Ozonokids
- P-Vine
- Pacific City
- Pacific City Discs
- Pacific City Discs/Discrepant
- Pacific City Sound Visions
- Pacific City Sound Visions/Wagon
- Palace of Lights
- Palelunar
- Palialia
- Palilalia
- Palo Alto
- Palsy
- Palto Flats
- Pan
- Papa
- Papaaver
- Parachute
- Paradigm Discs
- Paradise Bangkok
- Paradise Lost
- Paradise of Bachelors
- Parallel World
- Paratactile
- Parkway Steel
- Parole
- Parte
- Particles
- Parts Unknown
- Passat Continu
- Pataphysique
- Patrick Frey Edition
- Pauf Recordings Ltd.
- Paul Dasken
- Paul Major
- Paw Tracks
- Pedal
- Peeter Uusklya
- Peippo
- Pendu Sound
- Penny Poppet
- Pentiments
- Penultimate Press
- People's Music Works, The
- Perfect Wave
- Perfectifon
- Perimeter
- Period Tapes
- Periodic Document
- Permanent
- Persona Non Grata/Father Yod
- Personal Injury
- Personnel
- Petri Supply
- Petty Bunco
- Pg Tune (Russian Federation)
- Phage
- Phage Tapes
- Pharaway Sounds
- Phaserprone
- Phfudd!
- Philly Jazz
- Phoenix
- Phon
- Phonag
- Physical Sewer
- Piano
- Pica
- Pica Disk
- Pickled Egg
- Pico
- Piece Of Mind
- Pigface
- Pilgrim Talk
- Pilz
- Pineapple Tapes
- Pingipung
- Pizza Night
- Planam
- Planet Claire
- Planet Rescue
- Plastica Marella
- Plastikville
- Play Loud!
- Play Loud! Productions
- Play Naked
- Player Press
- Pleasence
- Plinkity Plonk
- Pogo
- Pogus
- Pogus Productions
- Pohjoisten Kukkaisten Aanet
- Polarenvy
- Pollymaggoo
- Pollywog Smile
- Polyamory
- Polytechnic Youth
- Pome Pome
- Ponce De Leon
- Poo-Bah
- Poobah
- Poodle
- Poon Village
- Popwatch
- Porridge Bullet
- Porridge Bullet.
- Portals Editions
- Portraits Grm
- Posh Isolation
- Post Present Medium
- Poststjoost
- Pour Lamour
- Pour, Rip...No!
- Poutre Apparente
- Prasens Editionen
- Praxis
- Pre-Cert
- Pre-Cert Home Entertainment
- Precious Metal
- Premier Sang
- Premium Publishing
- Prescription Disc & Acme
- Preserved Sound
- Presspop
- Prestige and Poverty
- Primal Pulse
- Primary Information
- Primary Numbers
- Principe
- Printed Matter/Captain Trip
- Prisma
- Prison Tatt
- Private
- Profound Lore
- Prog Temple
- Projekt
- Prophase
- Pseudoarcana
- Psych-o-Path
- Psychedelic Pig
- PsychForm
- Psychic Sound Research & Recordings
- Psychic Sounds
- Psychic Sounds Research & Recordings
- Psycho Terror Entertainment
- Psycho-Terror
- Public Detail
- Public Information
- Puck Productions
- Pulled Out
- Punk Art Studios
- Pure/RRRecords
- Purely Physical Teeny Tapes
- Purifiva
- Purplish
- Pylon
- Pyramid Scheme
- Pyscho Terror Entertainment
- Pȃtétoe Productions
- Qasida
- QDK Media
- Quadrant
- Quakebasket
- Queer Pills
- Quemada
- Quindi
- Quindi Records
- R.C. Legacy
- Radiation
- Radiation Deluxe Series
- Radiation Reissues
- Radical Documents
- Radio Bongo
- Radio Heartbeat
- Radio Loop Loop (Italy)
- Radio Martiko
- Radio.ddd
- Radioactive
- Radish
- Rafflesia
- Raft
- Rafter
- Ralph/File Magazine
- Ramadan
- Rampage
- Rampart
- Random Acoustics
- Randstock
- Rasbliutto
- Raster
- Ratstar Press
- Rave Up
- Ravi
- Raw Culture
- Ray Night Music
- Razors And Medicine
- RD
- Reading Group
- Ready To Rock
- Real Gone Music
- Reality Delay
- Recital
- Recollection GRM
- Recommended
- Record Runner
- Record Time
- Recorded
- Recorded Fields Editions
- Rectangle
- Red Greg
- Red Lounge
- Redoubt
- Redscroll
- Redundancy Music
- Reel Recordings
- Refill
- Regenerator
- Regional Bears
- Reinhard Wilhelmi
- Reiten
- Rel
- Release The Bats
- Releasing Eskimo
- Relics
- Reluctant
- Repetoire
- Replica
- Repsychled
- Rer Megacorp
- Rer Vinyl
- Rerun
- Resipiscent
- Resistant Harmony
- Rev-Ola
- Revelation
- Reverse
- Revista
- Revival
- Rhythm And Blues
- Rhythmplex
- Ri Be Xibalba
- Ribbon
- Ribbon Music
- Rice Is Nice
- Ricerca Sonora
- Richie
- Ride The Snake
- Ridingeasy
- Riot Season
- RIP Society
- Riverman
- Riverman Music
- Riviere/Gross
- Rizzoli
- Riøt Rekørd
- Roach
- Road Cone
- Roaratorio
- Rob Gawthrop and Bob Levene
- Robert & Leopold
- Robo
- Robot
- Rochester Folk Art Guild
- Rockadelic
- Rockadrome
- Rockatansky
- Rockbeat
- Rocket Recordings
- Rococo
- Roger/Breathmint/Carbon/Ignivimous/Sunship
- Rogueart
- Rolling Heads
- Roof Bolt
- Room40
- Root Don Lonie For Cash
- Root Strata
- Rose Hobart
- Rossbin
- Rotifer
- Rotorelief
- Rotted Tooth
- Rough Trade
- Round Bale
- Roundtable
- Rover
- Royal Foulup
- Rr Gems
- RRRecords
- Ruby Red
- Rumi Sounds
- Rundownsun
- Rune Grammofon
- Running Back
- Ruptued
- Ruptured
- Rustblade
- Rvng International
- S-S
- S-S Records
- S/M Operations
- Sacred Bones
- Sacred Summits
- Safe As Milk/Melektronikk
- Safe Sex
- Sagara
- Sahel Sounds
- Sahel Sounds / Mississippi
- Sahelsounds
- Sahko
- Saidera
- Saint Cecilia Knows
- Saltern
- Samarbeta
- Samizdat
- Sangoplasmo
- Saturday
- Saucerlike
- Savage Damage Digest
- Savage Quality
- Savoury Days
- Say Day-Bew
- Scat
- Scatter
- Schizophrenic
- Schneeball
- Scioto
- Scissor Tail Editions
- Scream!
- Scrotum
- Scumbag Relations
- Scumbag Tapes
- Seacave
- Seal Pool
- Sealed
- Sealed Hotal
- Sebastian Speaks
- Sebastian Speaks/Yoga
- Second Circle
- Second Editions
- Second Layer
- Second Sleep
- Secret
- Secret Eye
- Secret Seven
- Secretly Canadian
- Sedimental
- Seeland
- SEER Sound Archive
- Seismographic Fabrics
- Selection
- Self Abuse
- Semata
- Semina
- Semishigure
- Senseless Whale
- Sentimental Fool Foundation
- September Gurls
- Seres
- Seventeen
- Sexbeat
- Shadoks
- Shadoks Music
- Shagrat
- Shake It
- Shaking Box
- Sham Palace
- Sharks & Pfennigs
- Shdwply
- Shella
- Shelter
- Shelter Press
- Shih Shih Wu Ai
- Shiok!
- Shock
- Showboat/Sky Station
- Shrike
- Shrimper
- Shroomangel
- Shukai
- Sick Thirst
- Sick Thirst/Holy Mountain
- Sieben
- Silence
- Silent Street
- Silent Water
- Silk Flowers
- Silkheart
- Silt Editions
- Siltbreeze
- Silver Current
- Silverdoor
- Simultaneous Hallucinations
- Sinai
- Since 1972
- Sinderlyn
- Sinecure
- Sing A Song Fighter/Oma333
- Sing Sing
- Singing Knives
- Sireena
- Siren
- Sister Skull
- Siwa
- SJ Productions
- Skam
- Skaters
- Skell
- Skin Graft
- Skire
- Skokiaan
- Skrammel
- Skrotup
- Skul
- Skulls of Heaven
- Skulltones
- Skulltones/Corleone
- Sky Walking
- Sky-Fi
- Skyf Zol
- Slant Eye Archives
- Slask
- Slaughter Productions
- Sleep Genius
- Sleeping Giant Glossolalia
- Slip
- Slippy Town
- Sloow Tapes
- Sloowax
- Slothful
- Slow Toe
- Slowdown
- Slowscan
- Slumberland
- Smack Shire
- Small Voices
- Smalltown Supersound
- Smalltown Supersound Le Jazz Non
- Smalltown Supersound/Actions for Free Jazz
- Smeraldina-Rima
- Smith Research
- Smitten
- Smokers Gift
- Smokin'
- Smudge
- Snatch Tapes
- Soave
- Social Music
- Social Registry
- Soda Gong
- Soft Abuse
- Soft Office
- Softspot
- Software
- SOH Gallery
- Sol Re Sol
- Soleilmoon
- Solid
- Some Fine Legacy
- Someone Good
- Sommor
- Sonambient
- Sonaria
- Sonboy
- Song Cycle
- Sonic Abyss
- Sonic Cathedral
- Sonic Dust
- Sonic Meditations
- Sonic Oyster
- Sonic Pieces
- Sonic Protest
- Sonic Squid
- Sonig
- Sonoris
- Sophomore Lounge
- Sorcerer
- SOS Editions
- Souffle Continu
- Souk
- Soul Note
- Soulsheriff
- Sound American
- Sound Bale
- Sound Holes
- Sound Miracle
- Sound Miracle Recordings
- Sound Projector
- Sound Three
- Sound@One
- Sound@One/Greene Naftali Gallery
- Sounds On Paper
- Soundscreen Design
- Souterrain Transmissions
- Space Age
- Space Weather Recordings
- Spacecase
- Spahn Ranch
- Spalax
- Spanish Magic
- Sparkling Spare Wheel
- Sparrows & Wires
- Special Interests
- Spectrometers
- Spectrum Spools
- Spill
- Spinning Gold
- Spiral Staircase
- Spirit Of Orr
- Spite
- Spittle
- Spittle Archive
- Spleencoffin
- Spooky Action
- Spoor
- Sporadic Tangible Documents
- Spring Garden Music
- Spyglass
- Squama
- Squat-Thrust Music
- Squeaky Shoes
- Squint Fucker Press
- Sri Moonshine
- Sri Moonshine Music
- SS
- St. Ives
- Staalplaat
- Stale Heat
- Stamford Audio
- Stankhouse
- Starborne
- Starlight Furniture Company
- Stateart
- Static Aktion
- Static Caravan
- Staubgold
- Steady Sounds
- Steinklang
- Stellar Om Source
- Stern
- Still
- Stille Andacht
- Stiumulus Progression
- Stomach Ache
- Stomache Ache
- Stoned Circle
- Stones Throw
- Strange Attractors Audio House
- Strange Love
- Strangelove
- Strangelove Music
- Strawberry Rain
- Streamline
- Street Level
- Stroboscopic Artefacts
- Stroom
- Strut
- Students of Decay
- Studio Lam
- Studio Mule
- Stumparumper
- Suara
- Sub Discos
- Sub Pop
- Sub Rosa
- Sublime Frequencies
- Subliminal Sounds
- Subsound
- Subterranean
- Subtext
- Sucata
- Sucata Tapes
- Sudiphone
- Sugar Creek
- Suishou No Fune
- Suitcase
- Sulatron
- Sumbient Cafe
- Summer Headrush 2009 Series
- Sun Ark
- Sunbeam
- Superior Viaduct
- Superlux
- Superman Cha Cha
- Suppose
- Supreme Echo
- Supreme Tool Supplies
- Survival
- Survival Research
- Susan Lawly
- Swamp Flower
- Swamp Room
- Swan Fungus
- Sweet Rot
- Swill Radio
- Swineken
- Swingset
- Swordfish
- Sylph
- Sympathy For The Record Industry
- Syn-Phonic
- Synaethesia
- Synchron
- Systems Neutralizers
- Séance Centre
- T.B.T.D.
- Taalem
- Table Of The Elements
- Taiga
- Tak:Til/Glitterbeat
- Take It Acid Is
- Takoma
- Tall Grass
- Tall Poppies
- Tall Texan
- Tamago
- Tangerine
- Tangram
- Tanrydoon
- Tanuki
- Tanz Procesz
- Tanzprocesz
- Tao Forms
- Tape Drift
- Tape Room
- Tape Tektoniks
- Tapestry Works
- Tapete
- Tapeworm
- Tapeworm/SNSE
- Target Video
- Tarot & Bananas
- Tasty Soil
- Taurpis Tula
- Tedium House
- Teen Beat
- Teenage Boatpeople
- Telephone Explosion
- Temple Of Be Saint 777
- Tenth Court
- Tenzier
- Tequila Sunrise
- Terminal Boredom
- Test Tube
- Tetrapod Spools
- Textile
- Thalamos
- The Bunker New York
- The Death Of Rave
- The Door And The Window
- The End Is Here
- The End of All Music
- The Flenser
- The Gift of Music
- The Great Pop Supplement
- The Henning Christiansen Archive
- The Journal of Popular Noise
- The Lollipoppe Shoppe
- The Peace Company
- The Princes Stable
- The Spheres
- The Spring Press
- The state51 Conspiracy
- The Tapeworm
- The Thing
- The Trilogy Tapes
- The Village
- The Vinyl Factory
- The Wild Places
- The Wire
- The Wormhole
- Theleme
- Therapeutic/Adverse
- There
- Theresa
- Thin Wrist
- Third Eye
- Third Man
- Third Stone
- Third Uncle
- Thirtythree Thirtythree
- This Is
- Thokei Tapes
- Thomas Ankersmit
- Thread Recordings
- Three Blind Mice
- Three Lobed
- Three One G
- Threshold Tapes
- Thrill Jockey
- Thrillhouse
- Throaning Tapes
- Throne Heap
- Tian An Men 89
- Tic Tac Totally
- Tiliqua
- Tim Kerr
- Time Life
- Time-Lag
- Time-Lag Records
- Timebomb
- Tiny Global Productions
- Tipped Bowler
- Tjarnen
- Toaster Im Test
- Tochnit Aleph
- Together Tapes
- Tom Thayer
- Tomokawa
- Tompkins Square
- Tonal Union
- Tone Filth
- Tonschacht
- Topic
- Total Life Society
- Total Punk
- Totally Freaked Out Power Electronics
- Touch
- Touch and Go
- Touch Sensitive
- Touchless
- Tour
- Tour De Garde
- Tovinator
- Trading Places
- Traffic
- Tragic Mule
- Trailer Park
- Transparency
- Transversales Disques
- Trash Ritual
- Trd W/D
- Trd/wd
- Treader
- Trensmat
- Trente Oiseaux
- Treue Um Treue
- Tricatel
- Trilogy
- Trilogy Tapes
- Triple Point
- Tristes Tropiques
- Troglosound
- Troniks
- Trost
- Trouble In Mind
- Trouble Man Unlimited
- Troubleman Unlimited
- Trouser Press Books
- Truculent Recordings
- Trunk
- Trust
- Tsubute Mosaic
- TU-134
- Tum
- Turgid Animal
- Turned Word
- Turtles Dream
- Tusco Embassy
- Tusk
- Twenty One Eighty Two Recording Company
- Twisted Village
- Two Gentleman
- Two-Lane Blacktop
- Type
- Uberkatze Studio
- Ubiquity
- UFO Mongo
- Ugly Pop
- Ugly Things
- Ultima Thule
- Ultra Eczema
- Ultra Violet Light
- Ultramarine
- Umeboshi
- Umor Rex
- Underwater Peoples
- Underwhich Editions
- Unheard Of
- Unifactor Tapes
- Union Pole
- United Dairies
- United Dirter
- United Fairy Moons
- Universal
- Universal Sound
- University of California Press
- Univive
- Unknown
- Unknown Label
- Unlimited Drift
- Unlistenable
- Unrock
- Unseen Music
- Unseen Worlds
- Unskilled Labor
- Unwucht
- Up-Tight
- Upon Tyne
- Upset The Rhythm
- Upside Down Recordings
- Urashima
- Useful Artists
- Utech
- UUnited Acoustic Recordings
- Uzu Audio
- V I S
- V.U.A.S.
- Vaagner
- Vacuum
- Vaknar
- Vam
- Vampire Blues
- Vampisoul
- Vanishing Voice
- Vanity Case
- Vaultworks
- Vauva
- Vee
- Vegetable
- Veglia
- Ventil Verlag
- Ventricle
- Vertical
- Very Friendly
- Very Friendly/Susan Lawly
- VG +
- Vg+
- Via Parigi
- Vibracathedral Orchestra
- Vicious Pop Records
- Vicor
- Victo
- Victor
- Victory
- Viernulvier
- Villa Magica
- Vin Du Select Qualitite
- Vinilissimo
- Vinilisssimo
- Vinyl Factory
- Vinyl Magic/Edizioni Leonardi
- Vinyl Me Please
- Vinyl Vidi Vici
- Vinyl-On-Demand
- Violet Glass Oracle
- Violet Times
- Virrash
- Vitamin B12
- Vitrine
- Vittelli
- Vivere
- Viz/Sugar Creek
- VLZ Produkt
- Vohu Manah
- Voice Print
- Void
- Volar
- Volcanic Tongue
- Volucan
- Von
- W.25th
- W.m.o/r
- Wabana
- Wachsender Prozess
- Wagon
- Wah Wah
- Wah Wah Wino
- Walhalla
- Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien
- Wantage USA
- War Extension
- Warner Bros
- Warner Bros (Japan)
- Warning Label
- Was Soll Das? Platten
- Wasted Vinyl
- Water
- Water Under The Bridge
- Water Wing
- Waterden
- Wax Love
- We Are One
- We Can Elude Control
- We Insist!
- We Release Jazz
- We Release...
- Week-End
- Weird Forest
- Weird Shadow
- Weltraum
- Wergo
- West Mineral Ltd.
- Western Standards
- Western Unconscious
- Wet Paint
- Wewantsounds
- Weyrd Son
- Whaam
- What Lies Beneath
- What The..?
- What's Your Rupture?
- Whats So Funny About
- Whistle Along
- White Denim
- White Elephant
- White Tapes
- Wholly Other
- Wide Hive
- Wiener Brut
- Wierd
- Wild Flesh
- Wild Isle
- Wild Sages
- Wild World
- Wilde Calm
- Windian
- Winter Hill Recordings
- Wir Wollen Wulle
- Wired Up Media
- Wodger
- Wolke Verlag
- Wolvserpent
- Wooden Shjips
- Wooden Wand
- Woodsist
- World Arbiter
- World in Sound
- World Of Echo
- World, out of this
- Wormdoom
- Wormwood Grasshopper
- Worried Songs
- Worry
- Worship Guitars
- Wounded Nurse
- Wrench
- WRWTFWW & Palto Flats
- Wwilko
- X!
- Xeno & Staccato
- Xenos
- Xeric
- Xerox Musik
- XI
- Xkatedral
- Ya Reach
- Yard Press
- Year Zero
- Yeay!
- Yellow Electric
- Yesmissolga
- Yeti
- Yew
- Yik Yak
- Yod Tapes
- Yoga
- Yokoto
- Youdonthavetocallitmusic
- Young
- Young Americans
- Youth Attack
- Ypsilanti
- Z Gun
- Zaius Tapes
- Zakuro
- Zedikiah
- Zehra
- Zeitgeist
- Zeitkratzer
- ZIKS-Product
- Zodiacs, The
- Zoid
- Zorro
- ZZK Tapes