TROPICAL TRASH - Fear of Suffering
Louisville band, Louisville label; debut single. Kentuckys rejoinder to the MX-80 Messthetical Sound. Cold-Cerberus suzukis the Pilate(s)-Paunch, breathing fleshy light into familiar famials: Andrew Cyrille builds an aerial-drone of The Fall, Derek Bailey brushes the congressional hat of the Killed By Death Squad, Wisconsin-Churchill-Drunker-Than-900-Dollars tanks a German amphetamine bunker. When we post-rock", we circumnavigate the circumcised blanched-branch dressing of the shoe-gazer, and instead protend the protuberant tumescence of the non-paint-by-numbers approach to punk-rock-koans, a la the SST grass-mafia, and then we arrive at one of many trunk doors of Tropical Trash perception. Some of these skinny young men also dig glorious ditches in the SAPAT (SIltbreeze) hermit-kingdom labor camps. Sheaved in a sprastic-Pettibone inspired screen print. Limited first-edition of 200 on white wax." - Kapp Klaptain Molasses.