Walk With Me showcases David's signature vocal stylings, in the form of multitrack renditions of chants that arose while regularly hiking the Oakland hills in recent years. If one was so curious to pry, there's likely an anecdote and specific location to apply to each track—but here they are offered for general utility and enjoyment. The spike of endorphins, mantric mind loops, literal peaks and valleys, and fluctuation of available breath color his chants with a natural dynamism. Tholfsen's personal intention is one of practical use for the listener, as an encouragement to sing along and achieve the same mental and physical workout. For the home listener: tuneful mouth music, mostly non-lexical folk tunes with lots of lilting vocables and wild harmonizing to swirl up unusual patterns, bolstered by the giant spirit of a guy who's been doing this a long time. Through a squint, these recordings could be reckoned as more of a text-sound performance deal for those who brain about in fancypants—but no need to detract from the charm and liveliness of the natural composition ('improvisations over improvisions'). Always a familiar melody or song form to keep on the path, with enough craggy embellishments and curious tangles on the periphery to keep it interesting. A new rendition of an old Saucer track, "Shake Smear Laugh and Roll", along with two others, even offer something in the way of lyrics (tip: they all have lyrics if you listen enough times). "Pick out a song, set it on loop and walk for miles," is an alternate suggestion from David. As an accommodation, files can be acquired directly by contacting the publisher upon purchase of an LP from anywhere." - Spoooor.