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SCANNER - Fibolae


Regular price $27.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $27.00 USD
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"Over the last twenty-five years, Robin Rimbaud -- Scanner has traversed the experimental terrain between sound, space and image, connecting a bewilderingly diverse array of genres -- a partial list would include sound design, film scores, computer music, avant-garde, contemporary composition, large-scale multimedia performances, product design, architecture, fashion design, rock music and jazz. Fibolae offers up a world that splinters between melancholia and penetrating energy. Inhale opens the album in an intimate manner, introduced with answer phone messages from those that have slipped away in recent years, from John Balance of Coil, DJ Tom De Werdt of Lowlands Distribution, John Everall of Sentrax Records, his mother, his brother, his grandmother and more, before exploding into a blinding percussive attack with twin drummers battling against a hovering melodic tension. Combining digital technologies, software and live instrumentation Fibolae is both a rhetoric of mourning and a celebration of music to empower. Warm, organic, sensual, passionate and frequently angry, it's an album that radiates with possibilities. Originally released on limited vinyl in 2017, it has been repressed in 2021.

"Fibolae is deeply personal, where a melancholy mood underscores moments. This introspective album roams depths of emotion through a refined range of textures." --The Wire.

"Wonderfully strange and wholly captivating. Both colossal and imperious, tender and regretful. A consummate and compelling achievement."--Uncut"- Bette.

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