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HOTOTOGISU - Spooked Summer

Heavy Blossom

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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four pieces of spooked/skewed piebald beauty, singing the praises of the\r\nhot season, trails of bubbles, fireworks fizzing, strange meat on the\r\nbarbecue. the hototogisu captured in an intimate, quieter setting, beauty\r\nand brightness comingling. includes a very spooked 16 minute live track from\r\n06s smegma support spots, live in nottamun town, where the vocalese ribbons\r\nunwind in rococo and baroque finery and odd percussive concussions\r\npercolate thru the brew. a sweet forty three minutes, packed in some radiant\r\ncolours and a very spooked flyingfox -Heavy Blossom.

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