FO A RM - #5 (autonomy)
156 page softbound book, with added CD. "Special section on Phillipine composer Jose Maceda. An in-depth interview with the reclusive Serbian radio composer Arsenije Jovanovic. An essay on the early scores of Robert Ashley by cellist Alex Waterman. A history of the non-profit artists residency by the Boston-based Berwick Research Institute. Contributions from: Giancarlo Toniutti, Francisco Lopez, Achim Wollscheid and John Duncan, Michael Bullock, Max Krafft, Luis Lopez with composer Barbara Held, Przemyslaw Jasielski, Michael J. Schumacher, Lionel Marchetti, Paolo Javier, Steven Zultanski and Travis Nichols, Chris McDonald. Sedimental pressed compact disc at 80 minutes in length: Jonas Baes, Barbara Held, Arsenije Jovanovic, Jose Maceda and Michael J. Schumacher." -Sedimental.