FELL, SIMON H. - 44.1 + 56
2002 release. Fells other releases include collaborations with Derek Bailey, Peter Brötzmann, and Lol Coxhill, among others.. "Composition No. 44.1 was realized between 1998 and 2002. Its my tribute to the early pioneers of electronic music, whose experiments were documented on classic LPs from the late fifties and early sixties. These LPs were among my most inspirational early listening, and its a pleasure to be able to repay that debt now. The fact that you are listening to this on vinyl is an extra bonus! The raw material of the piece is derived exclusively from sine and square waves, subjected to series of basic processing options, The piece was entirely realized within my home PC - the first work with such a pedigree. Composition No. 56 is an offshoot from Composition No. 56: Six Bells Pieces, commissioned by Haverhill Town Council in 2000, This was a piece for quintet and prerecorded processed & sampled bell sounds; the bells used were those of great St, Marys Church, in Haverhill. The sound source recordings were by Graham Halliwell, with funding provided by Haverhill Town Council and the kind assistance of the G.S.M. Bellringers and Dave Pullin. This piece uses the bell recordings as a sound source for a different kind of piece - a free rhapsody with three short development sections exploring pitch bending, distortion and gapping respectively. It was realized between 2000 and 2002." - Simon H. Fell.