EXCEPTER - Vacation/"Forget Me"
Pickup available at 1367 Greene Ave
Usually ready in 2-4 days
"Even though it would be wrong not to consider these protest songs against the back porch policies of certain undisclosed and secure locations, we shouldn_¢??t let THEM come between us. EXCEPTER says, Yeah, well play" ... freestyle, the crawl, the butterfly, the breast, the rest. "How long will you stay?" Just as expressions and intuitions reflect the oceans \r\nunleashed, there is no desert island, dig, just the big, bare teeth of \r\nEXCEPTER there, smiling beneath. "You forgot something?" To survive the coming weather, you are going to need to know a sailor, a captain, an engineer, a figurehead, as well as a pirate, so SHOW ... A continuous \r\nstream of music split into two sides. _Ç Performed and mixed live to stereo. \r\nSS EXCEPTER:"Were only a world away." - Excepter. "For the second time in a row now, one of Brooklyns grandest experimental entourages have presented us with a sonic totem whose jaunty and bright packaging belie an almost certain palpable sense of unease. This new twelve-inch is entitled "Vacation", and here Excepter have perhaps crafted a treatise on nothing less than the uncomfortable aspects of having to leave oneshome. \r\nOr they may well have been channeling the soundtrack to a particularly bizarre road trip I once went on involving an Indian burial ground, a cross eyed woman Xeroxing chain letters at a supermarket, and an extremely sadistic alligator farm outside of Hot Springs, Arkansas where I witnessed a stuffed Fiji Merman. Unease indeed. But of course, like on any worthy and good vacation, once youve become used to new unsettling sensations like foot blisters and sunburn you realize how sublime the landscape is. And sublimity is what Excepter trades in spades. \r\nSide-one positions the moment where you have trouble getting your bearings, trouble putting your surroundings into perspective. The rhythms are all displaced, their center of gravity slackened by synths squiggling all willy-nilly looking for something to latch onto. Side-two, "Forget Me," is where everything comes into focus -- like a photograph that you can spend some time with to chart your inner progress. This track could be Excepters pop moment, their breezy road trip down the Autobahn (and here the Kraut reference is especially apt). Pistons fired, these beats are allowed to lope carefree into the coming summers new season of discontent. Ex-ceptional." - Michael Klausman; Other Music.