ETRON FOU LELOUBLAN - Les Trois Fous Perdegagnent...
"Etron Fou Leloublan are one of the more important offshoots of the RIO movement. This French quartet originated in the mid-70s with bassist-vocalist Ferdinand Richard, saxophonist Chris Charnet, drummer Guigou Chenevier and vocalist Eulalie Ruynat. "Has to be one of the best of the honest to goodness RIO albums. The album is very fast paced and active, with instruments of rock, jazz, and French folk all coming out quick and playful, and drums pounding away with fury. The record is just plain a fun listen. Nicolas is the best track, and its our rambunctious opener, showing off the bands lighter side, and the second best, Those Distant Waters, is one of the two drum workouts and a chilling cut about seafaring. Beyond the obvious enjoyment, LPG features some wonderful strangeness and complexity from our Francais friends, with the aforementioned instruments constantly rotated to allow for many different sounds... An avant romp done to perfection, I would recommend this masterpiece to anybody and everybody. And perhaps this is the best introduction to avant-prog." - Replica.