BLACK BONED ANGEL - Eternal Hunger
If once every thousand years a monk licks a mountain... I guess EVENTUALLY it will become a pebble. Although Id prefer to drink my own spew rather than wait around for this to actually happen, the idea seems rather more attractive than being locked in an enclosed space with a candle-snuffer like Eternal Hunger. Any band whose shows turn to custard after their morbidly-obese bottom-end blasts their own power plugs out of the wall, should be be strictly avoided" seems like a sensible proverb that all good people who refuse to eat small children should attempt to live by. A sickening seismic rupture of unplumbed magnitude as the angels roll up the four corners of the earth at a top speed of 2kph. The floors are swept, the lights are turned out, and God goes home. Ill stick with my bargain-bin Bolt Thrower cassettes... chow down little monk!" - C/Psi/P.