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YOUNGS, RICHARD - Inside the Future

Glass Redux

Regular price $17.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $17.00 USD
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Richard Youngs is a British musician with a prolific and diverse output, including many collaborations. Based in Glasgow since the early 1990s, his extensive back catalog of solo and collaborative work formally begins with Advent, first issued in 1990. He plays many instruments, most commonly choosing the guitar, but he has been known to use a wide variety of other instruments including the shakuhachi, accordion, theremin, dulcimer, a home-made synthesizer (common on early recordings), and even a highway bridge -- not to mention an a cappella album. For many years, live performances were very occasional and almost always in Glasgow; he has stated publicly that he finds live performance incredibly nerve-racking: stomach cramps, tension headaches..." However, in the 2010s, he has begun to perform more regularly (including a tour of New Zealand in 2010 and a UK tour in support of Damon and Naomi in 2011), and many of these shows have been predominantly vocal. Inside the Future is a collection of ten short acoustic songs heavy on overdubbed voice and the textures of acoustic and classical guitars. Experimental, yet firmly rooted in traditional song form, it is both heartfelt and determined by chance, improvised and carefully structured." - Glass Redux.

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